Post-Paleo life
My babies, my sweet lovely babies. I can't tell you how thrilled and heartened I am by the positive responses to my last blog. I send each and everyone of you a virtual open-mouthed kiss Shall we continue where we last left off? Let's. For the last 2.5-ish years, I've eaten relatively strict Paleo. I haven't cooked any non-Paleo food at home in that time frame, with the exception of occasionally adding cheese to a recipe. When eating out, unless I was on a round of Whole 30, I usually permit myself to eat whatever I wanted. But I don't eat out all that much because, like most of my fellow millennial Vancouverites, I'M ALWAYS FUCKING BROKE. For anyone not familiar with the Paleo diet (aka caveman/Paleolithic diet), the idea is you only eat foods that would have been available for preparation and consumption by Paleolithic humans. Anything you could easily harvest from the land or hunt, requiring little or no preparation other than cooking over fire, is permi...